Visit to Whirlow Hall Farm 2018

On Tuesday 20th March 2018, Collette and Amelia from PC Properties went to meet some of the children who take part in the 'Club 480' at Whirlow Hall Farm.

We are proud sponsors of the club for the 4th year running, we are pleased to provide our support to this very worthwhile local charity which provides support to the '480 club'.

The club allows schools to bring their pupils to stay at Whirlow Hall Farm for a week and gives the children a chance to experience life on the farm. The children get stuck into farm life, assisting in tasks such as egg collecting in the chicken coop, to grooming horses in the stables. They also take part in horse riding lessons, midnight walks and even prepare their dinner for the evening, whatever that might be! 

The '480 Club' provides the children with fun activities, and gives them a chance to explore something different and helps them with forming better relationships with their peers and teachers. The club gives children the chance to expand their horizons and grow as people, so that they can reach their maximum potential. Alot of the children who take part in the 480 club have not experienced much or any farm/countryside life, so for them to hold a day old chick, bottle feed a young lamb and see piglets with their mother, can be a very theraputic and unforgettable experience. 

Here is a photo of a group of youngsters, currently taking part in the Club 480, at Whirlow Hall Farm. Waiting to have a go at riding a pony! 

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